
pas de vianantsPedestrian crossingAmb pots dir l'hora siusplau
semàforLightsWhat time is it please?
senyal de trànsitTraffic signalOn esta el carrer…?
cotxecarWhere is the street?
motomotorcycleOn hi ha un bar per esmorzar?
trentrainWhere is there a bar for breakfast?
avingudaavenueA quina hora obren les botigues?
carrerstreetWhat time do the shops open?
botigashopUn estanc per comprar tabac?
glorietaroundaboutWhere can I find a tobacconist?
borerasidewalkOn hi ha una discoteca?
encenedorlighterWhere is a disco?
tabactobaccoHo sento
policia de tràfictraffic policeI am sorry.
exces de velocitatspeedingHem dones una cigarreta sisplau?
efectiucashCan you give me a cigarette please?
bitlletticketTens foc?
monedacurrencyHave you got a light?
  Com es diu aquesta plaça?
  What is the name of this square?
  Amb pots donar canvi?
  Can you give me change?