| pas de vianants | Pedestrian crossing | Amb pots dir l'hora siusplau |
semàfor | Lights | What time is it please? |
senyal de trànsit | Traffic signal | On esta el carrer…? |
cotxe | car | Where is the street? |
moto | motorcycle | On hi ha un bar per esmorzar? |
tren | train | Where is there a bar for breakfast? |
avinguda | avenue | A quina hora obren les botigues? |
carrer | street | What time do the shops open? |
botiga | shop | Un estanc per comprar tabac? |
glorieta | roundabout | Where can I find a tobacconist? |
borera | sidewalk | On hi ha una discoteca? |
encenedor | lighter | Where is a disco? |
tabac | tobacco | Ho sento |
policia de tràfic | traffic police | I am sorry. |
exces de velocitat | speeding | Hem dones una cigarreta sisplau? |
efectiu | cash | Can you give me a cigarette please? |
bitllet | ticket | Tens foc? |
moneda | currency | Have you got a light? |
| | Com es diu aquesta plaça? |
| | What is the name of this square? |
| | Amb pots donar canvi? |
| | Can you give me change? |
| | |
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